Lemon Verbena 50ml
Lemon Verbena 50ml
Indulge in the refreshing and uplifting aroma of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil. Sourced from Spain, this steam-distilled oil is derived from the herb Aloysia Triphylla, known for its soothing properties.
Emotionally and energetically, this essential oil can help relieve anxiety and depression, while its sedative and aphrodisiac properties make it ideal for uplifting the mood and relaxing the mind.
When used properly, Lemon Verbena Essential Oil can offer a wide range of potential health benefits. Its expectorant properties make it effective in loosening phlegm, clearing congestion, and soothing the discomfort of a cough.
With its high citral content, this oil can also help combat bacteria found in mucus, offering relief both physically and mentally. Whether used in body mists, massage oils, candles, or diffusers, the stimulating scent of verbena can inspire and invigorate the mind, providing a sweet escape from the daily grind.
Dimensions: 9.6x3.5 (cm)