Lavender 50ml
Lavender 50ml
Lavender essential oil is a timeless classic, cherished for its unmistakable aroma and myriad benefits. Hailing from France, this 50ml bottle of Lavandula Angustifolia is extracted through steam distillation, capturing the essence of the flowering tips.
With a history dating back to ancient Egypt and Rome, Lavender has been used for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and perfumery. Its calming and relaxing qualities make it a versatile oil for various uses.
Here are some ways to incorporate Lavender essential oil into your daily routine:
- For a restful night’s sleep, add a few drops to your pillows, bedding, or the bottoms of your feet.
- Apply topically to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections or soothe occasional skin irritations.
- Create a soothing atmosphere by diffusing three to four drops in your preferred diffuser.
- Freshen up your linen closet, mattress, or car by making a Lavender spray with water.
When using Lavender oil, remember to dilute it with a carrier oil for topical application and use caution to avoid skin sensitivity. Keep it out of reach of children and consult a physician if you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care.
Dimensions: 9.6x3.5 (cm)