Fennel 50ml
Fennel 50ml
Fennel Essential Oil is a versatile oil extracted from the crushed seeds of the Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce plant through steam distillation. It offers a range of benefits, from aiding digestion to skincare.
Key benefits and uses:
- Relieves digestive issues like flatulence, constipation, and nausea
- Promotes weight loss and helps disperse cellulite
- Tones the spleen and liver
- Cleanses and tones the skin, aiding with bruises
However, it's important to use this oil in moderation and avoid it during pregnancy, lactation, and for those with breast cancer or epilepsy.
Historically, fennel has been revered for its medicinal properties. It was used by ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Romans to improve courage, strength, and longevity. In India, fennel seeds are commonly served after meals to aid digestion.
Experience the time-honoured benefits of fennel essential oil and add it to your wellness routine today.
Dimensions: 9.6x3.5 (cm)