Basil 50ml
Basil 50ml
Basil Essential Oil is a crisp-smelling oil that is often used in aromatherapy to awaken the mind, steady the nerves, and bring about clarity of thought. It is steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the basil plant, originating from tropical Asia and the Pacific Islands.
Therapeutically, basil oil is said to be beneficial for the respiratory tract, nervous disorders, stress-related headaches, and migraines. It is also believed to provide relief from constipation, nausea, vomiting, and menstrual problems. Additionally, it is helpful in relieving gout, arthritis, and insect bites.
However, it is important to note that pregnant women and children under 16 should avoid using this oil.
In India, basil is popular and has been used in prayer and healing for centuries. The leaves of the plant are chewed as part of prayer ceremonies and are also used to ease sore throats and coughs.
Product Details:
- Variant: Basil 50ml
- Latin Name: Ocimum Basilicum
- Plant Part Used: Flowering Herb
- Source: India
- Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
Dimensions: 9.6x3.5 (cm)