Rosemary 50ml
Rosemary 50ml
Indulge in the refreshing and stimulating aroma of Rosemary Essential Oil. This oil is extracted from the flowering tops of the Rosmarinus Officinalis plant through steam distillation, ensuring superior quality. The woody and herbal scent is perfect for aromatherapy, helping to invigorate the mind and promote a sense of well-being.
Aside from its aromatic benefits, Rosemary Essential Oil is a versatile remedy for various ailments. It can be used to treat wounds, burns, colds, flu, fatigue, digestive issues, headaches, and respiratory conditions. When used for massage, it can be blended with almond, apricot kernel, or hazelnut oil for a soothing experience. Additionally, it is known to promote scalp circulation and hair growth.
While Rosemary Essential Oil offers numerous benefits, it should never be ingested and must be avoided during pregnancy, high blood pressure, or epilepsy. This ancient herb has a rich history, symbolizing fidelity and love. It was widely used in weddings and religious ceremonies, and even played a role in historical remedies like the famous 'Hungary water.'
Experience the timeless allure of Rosemary Essential Oil and harness its natural healing properties for your well-being.
Dimensions: 9.6x3.5 (cm)